With the growing consumer awareness over taste and nutrition, the food industry is actively investigating novel food processing techniques that retain foods’ original flavor and minimize the amount of nutrient loss during processing.
Pulsed UV light is one such technique that utilizes high intensity light pulses of wavelength 200-1100 nm to inactivate food-borne microorganisms. Our research aims to breakthrough the current, limited adaptation of the technique and apply them to a larger variety of food products, promoting a more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective food processing industry.
Some of the undergoing projects include:
- Numerical modelling and simulation of continuous system for pulsed UV light processing of liquid foods-Development of continuous pulsed UV light system for liquid foods, characterization and simulation of the process, Studying the effects of product and process parameters (product transparency, flow rate, treatment time etc.)
2. Application of Pulsed Light Technology for Limiting the Use of Sulfur Dioxide in Red Wine and its Effect on the Wine Aging
Finished projects: Studies on treatment of beer, wine grapes, tea infusions, model phenolic (gallic acid) solution.
Published work: