Principal Investigator

Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh, Associate Professor

I am from Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. After my initial schooling from Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Sultanpur, I obtained my dual degree (BTech & MTech) in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur (WB), India in 2011. Subsequently in 2015, I received my doctoral (PhD) degree in Food Science from McGill University, Montreal, Canada under the supervision of world renowned food processing expert Dr. Hosahalli Ramaswamy, a Hind-Rattan (Jewel of India) awardee. After my PhD, I worked with the UBC-founded Dr. Tim Durance’s microwave dehydration company, assisting with their operations in Quebec region. In 2016, I received the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the team of renowned table salt fortification expert Dr. Levente Diosady at University of Toronto. Iron fortified table salt developed at my UofT lab is being successfully distributed amongst people living below poverty line in my native province in Uttar Pradesh, India under the Mukhyamantri Namak Vitran Yojna.

In 2017,  Dr. Pratap-Singh joined the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC as an Assistant Professor in the Food Nutrition and Health Program. In July 2023, Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh was promoted to the position of Associate Professor. He has held significant roles at UBC, including Director of the UBC Food and Beverage Innovation Center since January 2024. He has also contributed as a member of various committees: serving on the Adjudication Committee for Wall Graduate Fellowships and the CGS/Affiliated Fellowships – Master’s Adjudication Committee since November 2022. Dr. Pratap-Singh has been active in faculty search committees, notably in Food Biotechnology and Human Nutrition. He previously served on the Academic Advisory Committee on Wall Research Awards and Fellowships. Since July 2020, he has been a UBC Vancouver Senator and a member of the Standing Committee on Academic Policy, shaping academic policies and operations.

At UBC, Dr. Pratap-Singh has established a CFI-funded Advanced Non-thermal Food Processing (ANT-FP) laboratory and leads a NSERC-Discovery and industry funded research program in novel food processing. Dr. Pratap-Singh’s research group primarily focusses on 3 major areas of food science technology:

1. Developing novel processing technologies for preservation of food.

2. Development of encapsulation technologies for food fortification.

3. Exploring alternative (non-meat) sources of proteins for improving food sustainability.

View Full List of Publications at Dr. Pratap-Singh’s Google Scholar profile.
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Senior Research Scientists

Dr. Farahnaz Fathordoobady

(PhD  Food Science – University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia)


1. Development and characterization of nano-emulsion and liposome platforms (NEP and LIP) for hemp seed oil nano-encapsulation and transmucosal delivery

2. Effect of lactic acid fermentation on sugar, organic acids, and peptide profile and aroma changes in hydrolyzed pea protein and plant-based oil emulsions.


Yigong Guo

(PhD Food Science- University of British Columbia, Canada)  (MS/BS Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Topic: Using lipid-based enhancers to augment transmucosal bioavailability of encapsulated drug delivery systems (nano-emulsions and liposomes).

Lab Manager/PhD Student

Muhammad Yasir

(MPhil. Microbiology) (BS (Hons) Biological Sciences), Lahore Pakistan

Lab manager and Ph.D. student. Projects in Microbial Plastic Degradation, Microbial Fat Replacement and Fermentation in development.

PhD Students

Amir Amiri

I am a Food Science and Technology graduate from Isfahan University of Technology and a PhD student in Food Science at the University of British Columbia. My expertise lies in the areas of food proteins and food processing, with a particular interest in alternative proteins.

Topic: Ucycling okara (soy residue waste) through solid-state fermentation and plant-based Wagyu


Xanyar Mohammadi

Currently, my research focuses on developing a new type of packaging material for food products that can easily decompose and have a low environmental impact.

Topic: New Low Environmental Impact Packaging

Past Topic: Application of Pulsed Light Technology for Limiting the Use of Sulfur Dioxide in Red Wine and its Effect on the Wine Aging


Srishty Maggo

Topic of Research: Design, Development and Optimization of Novel Microbial Oil Oleogels
Research Specialization Keywords: Fermentation, Food Waste Valorization, Upcycling of byproducts, Alternative Fats, Fat Replacers

Current research centers on the design, development, and optimization of single-cell oils derived from valorizing agricultural waste streams using a specific class of oleaginous microorganisms. Our primary objective is to investigate precision fermentation processes for creating alternative fats and fat replacers. Through this, we aim to enhance the functionality of fats for a wide range of product applications while also increasing their bioavailability by tailoring their lipid digestibility.The significance of our work lies in its potential to offer sustainable, cost-effective, and healthier alternatives to conventional fats. By leveraging agricultural waste streams and employing precision fermentation techniques, we contribute to the development of innovative solutions that address both environmental and nutritional challenges.



Golshan Matinfar

Golshan is currently a PhD student in a joint research program with the BiCMat and Food Process Engineering groups, focusing on developing, designing, and engineering bio-soft materials using non-thermal processing to address challenges in food packaging. She earned her master’s in food science from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, specializing in structured emulsions to replace trans and saturated fats in whipped creams. Before starting her PhD at UBC, Golshan volunteered at UBC’s Bioproducts Institute, where she investigated the use of Pickering emulsions to encapsulate oat oil with cellulose derivatives.

Gurvinder Sodhi 

(Transfer to Food Science from Plant Science in Jan 2024)


MSc Students

Sana Bayrami

(MSc. Jan 2023-Present) (BS. Biotechnology, University of Tehran, Iran)


Yumeng (Diana) Liang 

(M.Sc. Sep 2023-Present) (B.Sc. Food, Nutrition and Health; Major in Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of British Columbia)

Topic of Research: In Vitro Digestion of Carbohydrate-based Fat Replacers



Vladislav Korolev

Current Program: M.Sc. in Food Science (Sept. 2024 intake)
B.Sc. in Food, Nutrition, and Health; Major in Food Science (with Honours), Minor in Fermentations, UBC, 2024

Researching recombinant insulin production using bacterial and yeast protein expression systems. Currently working on protein expression in a lab scale bioreactor. Special interest in protein purification techniques, enzymatic reactions, and natural health products.

Undergraduate Students


Theo Nguyen

Topic: Dispersibilty of blueberry pomace in starch-based food packaging film


Eloise Paniak

Undergraduate student in Food Nutrition and Health

2023 UBC work-learn student assisting on the biodegradable film project who also maintains the FPEL website.


Madeleine Amanda Soegiarto


Visiting Scientists

Dr. Klaudia Masztalerz
Dekaban Scholar: Visiting July 2023 – November 2023

Dr. in Agricultural Engineering obtained from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Topic: Novel process technologies (cold plasma and pulsed UV light) for the processing of food products


Elham Goleiji

Visiting from May 2023-May 2024 from Azad University, Iran

Topic:  Health & Safety Risk Assessment in Food Industry

Past Visitors



Dr. Marcin Kurek (Dekaban Scholar: July 2019 – Dec 2019)

Topic: Development of pulsed light apparatus for thin-profile continuous processing of liquid food products.




Faiza Siddique (PhD Exchange Candidate from University of Sargodha, Pakistan: July 2019 – Jan 2020)


Dr. Zamantha Escobedo-Avellaneda (Visiting Scientist from ITESM, Mexico: Jun 2019 – Aug 2019)

Topic: Modelling the dehydration kinetics during microwave-vacuum drying of zuchini slices


Dr. Bita Forghani (VINNMER-Marie Curie Postdoctoral Exchange Candidate from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: Dec 2018 – Apr 2019)

Topic: Structure-function relationships of protein enriched biomass and proteolyzed mixture after novel drying technologies


Dr. Maciej Jarzebski (Dekaban Scholar from Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland: Jan 2019 – Jul 2019)

Topic: Nano-encapsulation of hemp oil for delivery of bioactives through buccal region


Dr. Artur Wiktor (Dekaban Scholar from University of Warsaw, Poland: Jul 2018 – Dec 2018)

Topic: Effect of pulsed light on polyphenols and antioxidants in grapes and tea


Sofía Lara (Mitacs Globalink Summer Intern from ITESM, Mexico: May – Jul 2019)

Topic: Understanding the effect of ultrasonication on size-reduction in emulsions


Soumya Kumar (Visiting International Research Student from Vellore Institute of Technology, India: Mar – May 2018)

Topic: Ultrasonication as a preservation technology in dairy industry

Lab Alumni

Kenzie Blackman

Undergraduate student in the Bachelors of Science majoring in Chemical Biology with a minor in Commerce.

Working as a research assistant working on the production of oleogel formulations.

Daniela Cameron Hinojosa

Undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering specializing in Biomechanics and Materials.

Working as a research assistant in the nanoencapsulation of semaglutide for buccal delivery through the UBC worklearn program.

Sophie Thanasack

Undergraduate student in the Bachelors of Science majoring in the honours biotechnology program.
A co-op student working on developing biodegradable films with the incorporation of cranberry pomace at varying concentrations.

Dr. Alberto Baldelli

(PhD Mechanical Engineering – University of Alberta, Canada)


1) Development of aerosolized encapsulated rhACE2 for preventing COVID-19 early symptom patients

 2) Encapsulation of bioactive compounds for food fortification and for target delivery


Emily Cao

Topic: Researching on the effect of core: wall ratio and properties of chosen core and wall materials in spray drying to enhance the functional properties of the spray dried fruit powders

Shangli (Sunny) Chen

Topic: Encapsulation of semaglutide for buccal and sublingual delivery. Encapsulation and characterization of a recombinant ACE2 for nasal delivery.

Sapphire Lai

Topic: Micro-encapsulation of Minerals for Fortified Food. Antibacterial Effects of Low-Temperature Plasma

Melinda Ren

Topic: Sterilization and extraction of seaweed

Hannah Reyes

An undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia, pursuing a major in Food, Nutrition, and Health Sciences. Academic pursuits are centred around exploring the field of nutrition within diverse and inclusive cultural contexts, while also staying up-to-date with the latest advances in food science, particularly in product development. Is involved in research and project development with FPEL, collaborating with Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh and Dr. Baldelli on a study that aims to create a sustainable vitamin snack using cranberries and cranberry by-products, which is shelf-stable and contains no sugar and is fortified in vitamin B12, through encapsulation and dry-spraying techniques. 


Caton Wong

I am currently a 4th year UBC Food Science student active in two research and development projects within the FPEL.
As a part of FNH 425, my group project is based on creating an iron-fortified gummy product that could potentially serve as an over-the-counter treatment for individuals with iron deficiency anemia.
Through the UBC WorkLearn program, my project is based on creating and optimizing a biodegradable starch-based film made with upcycled industrial waste in various fruit pomace. The goal of this project is to reduce synthetic plastic waste, therefore optimization of the film’s physical, mechanical and thermal properties must be analyzed. In order for the film to act as a commercial alternative substitute to replacing synthetic polymer plastic, it is essential to understand how the different pomaces, biopolymers, and bioactive ingredients affect these films.


Yumeng (Diana) Liang

Topics: Spray freeze drying of milk and encapsulation of iron compounds

Kyle Sum

BSc Thesis Topic: Effects of lactic-acid fermentation on pea protein




Yunyu (Winnie) Xu



Rocio Silva Zamora

(Msc Thesis 2020-2022) 

Msc. Topic Microparticles of dietary fiber for its use as fat replacer

 (Bs BIotechnology engineer with minor in Molecular biology, ITESM, México)

Topic: Micro-encapsulation of chia mucilage for its use as a fat replacer and dietary fibre carrier. 

Maryam Shojaei

Topic: Impact of controlled atmosphere storage and biodegradable starch film on the postharvest quality and shelf life of blueberries


Anika Singh

Senior Scientist (PhD, Food Science and Agriculture Chemistry, McGill University)

Current position: Project Leader, Centre for Applied Research and Innovation at British Columbia Institute of Technology


Alejandro Leiva (MSc Thesis: 2019-2021; BS Biotechnology Engineering, ITESM, Mexico)

MSc Topic: Fortification of black tea with iron and zinc.

Yuan Shi (MSc Thesis: 2018-2020; BSc Thesis: 2017-2018)

MSc Topic: Lactic acid fermentation process for removing volatiles in pea protein isolates.

UG Thesis Topic: Impact of ultrasonic pasteurization on nutrient content of bovine milk 

Philip Yen (MSc Thesis: 2018-2020; BSc Directed Studies: 2017-2018)

MSc Topic: Effects of microwave-vacuum dehydration on the off-flavor intensity, functionality and digestibility of pea protein isolates.

UG Directed Studies Topic: Effect of heat treatment and addition of essential oil (EO) individual constituents (ICs) on pathogen inactivation and quality parameters of an apple-watermelon smoothie-type beverage (STB)

Cara Gu

Yixin (Cara) Gu (BSc Thesis: 2019 – 2020)

BSc Thesis Topic: Development of biodegradable starch film that incorporates blueberry pomace

Xinyu Li (BSc Thesis: 2018-2019; Summer Work Learn: May – Aug 2018; Volunteer: 2017-2018)

BSc Thesis Topic: The effect of HTST processing on antioxidant level of dairy alternatives.

Kathy Zhang (BSc Volunteer: 2017-18)

Topic: Assessing the impact of ultrasonication on milk.

Wen Xie (BSc Volunteer: 2017-18)

Topic: Application of encapsulation technology for insulin oral delivery.

Patrick Jiang (BSc Volunteer: 2017-18)

Topic: Materials suitable for insulin encapsulation.

Jacklyn Ku

BSc Thesis Topic: Pulse Light Treatment and Ultrasonication of Kombucha